
Sunday, August 31, 2008

The value of money

This century has seen an enormous rise in prices that has impoverished the agricultural and working class. The daily ration of bread for a manual laborer on an estate was 1.7 kilos a day (which provided 89% of the calories in a peasant diet). In 1500, a skilled artisan made about 4 sou per day, which would buy 15 kg of bread - about 8 days’ worth. That same artisan in 1594 made 10-15 sou per day (less in winter), and could buy about 9 kg of bread - about 4 days’ worth. An unskilled urban worker made 5-7 sou per day (about two day's bread), and an unskilled female made 3-4 sou per day (a day's bread). Agricultural day laborers were even worse off, a man earning 7-8 sou per day and a "woman of all work" only 3 sou, no matter what the skill. Women’s wages suffered especially sharply. In 1500 she made at least half of what a man did, and in our time some women laborers got no more than a single sou for a day’s work. Keep in mind that day laborers, especially agricultural ones, only worked when the weather was good, and often had no work for one- to two-thirds of the year.

Contracted laborers on an estate made less cash in return for a percentage of the crop. In 1500 that percentage was usually a tenth – by the end of the century is was about 1/15th. A servant in the house of a rural estate earned around 100 sous a year, a woman around 60 (some things never change). Such a laborer lived with the family, and got food, shelter, and usually a pair of shoes and a shirt or apron along with the wages.

It is hard to get the price of a "loaf of bread", given that the weight of such a thing might vary, but the daily ration of 1.7 kg (3.75 lb) of bread would cost about 2s 6d. In 1500, the common person ate pure wheat bread ("white"). By our time, that bread is much "blacker" -- about one-third rye, even near the Mediterranean.

A bushel of salt could cost between 3 and 18 sous, depending on taxes (salt smuggling was major activity). A bottle of wine could cost between 1 and 3 sous (wine was not actually sold in bottles; you brought your own to the wineseller who drew it off from the cask for you).

Montaigne in his travel journel (c.1580) quotes a good Swiss inn as charging 4 livres a night for a gentleman in the off-season. He mentions that a horse there cost a reasonable 40-50 écus


The French money system is made difficult to understand because there are two kinds of "money": "money of account," which is a kind of theoretical money which does not directly correspond to any coinage, and "money of exchange," which are the actual coins that change hands in the course of doing business.

The value of any particular coin (a concrete piece of metal) can always be expressed in terms of "money of account." The Sire de Gouberville in his journal (1550’s-60’s) mentions 32 different kinds of money, but he reduces most of his financial transactions to the three denominations used as "money of account": the denier, the sou (12 deniers make one sou), and the livre (20 sous make one livre). The ratio of 12:20:1 is a classical one that supposedly reflected the relatives values of copper:silver:gold. Anywhere the Romans went, there are traces of a money system that uses these proportions. (The English also used "money of account" where 12 pence = 1 shilling, 20 shillings = 1 pound sterling).

There are no actual coins for the money of account. Kings minted coins which could be assigned values in terms of money of account, and these values may fluctuate given such factors as inflation (a concept not well understood then).

A coin would usually be known by its picture or some other visual characteristic, not its monetary value. It did not have an actual value printed on it, as we commonly do. For example, if we applied this system to modern coinage, a modern dime might be called "a Roosevelt" and depending on the state of inflation or recession in the country might sometimes be worth 10 cents, sometimes 9, sometimes 12, etc.

The basic unit of coinage in France is the écu au soleil. It is the only gold coin that has been minted in France since 1484. Its value relative to the money of account has fluctuated throughout the century. Since 1574 it has remained stable at 3 livres to the écu, due to the monetary policies of Henri III.

The most common coins for daily transactions among the "menu peuple" are the blanc or dixaine, a 10 d coin, and the grand blanc or douzaine, a 12 d coin. They are made of a billon, copper/silver mix. There is also a silver teston, worth 10 s (120 d). The franc was a silver coin that used to be worth a livre, but none have been minted in our century. The term is still sometimes used to mean a livre.

There were lots of foreign coins in circulation as well and accounts were sometimes kept in them. Spanish coins are particularly popular in the west of France (i.e. where we are). I also imagine English coins would be popular here in Calais. Most of the foreign coins were high-value ones, worth much more than a livre.

Note that the multitude of coinages was further complicated during our time because there were at least three different kinds of mints operating in France. The Catholic League held most of the big cities and the old royal mints, and they made coins in the name of Charles X, their pretender to the throne (who had died in 1590 after 4 months, but was the only plausible candidate they had). Usually there was another town nearby making coins in the new royal mint for Henri IV. And there was a third group that wanted nothing to do with either party and was still making coins in the name of Henri III, who had died in 1589.

We use our own coinage in le Poulet Gauche, with values of a dernier and a sou. For an explanation of our use of money, see Rules of the House. Our coin dies are supplied to us by Claire Rutiser.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Earn from Share Trading

Share Trading can be done by various ways.Some used to a phone call to broker,some personally seat on bolt & trade,some used a PC with internet
connection & trade shares online from home.Now a days Online Share Trading is very famous.This also suitable to everyone who is interested to earn
extra income besides their regular professions.

Today many house wives,students,retired persons doing online share trading but in early nineties online trading is not available to everyone.That time
buying & selling of shares are done through share broker & you have no control on the transactions made.The price of buying or selling of shares are
fixed by broker and many times you are cheated due to no control of yourself.There is no strong controlling system available that time.

As the internet is vastly used in India from 2000 & online share trading opportunity is introduced,many people enters in stock market through online trading.
Some people are earning more than that amount which they have not earned through their regular professions.

Online share trading don't required big space & setup,manpower,huge funds or excessive time to invest.What it requires is a PC with internet connection,
Demat account,Trading account,Saving bank account,some Fund & knowledge of Stock Market.You can start your online share trading business just with
Rs.5000/-($100 TO $150)

Everybody speak about profit from share market but remember this is business.When you book profit then you have to bare loss also.No one like loss,even
I also,so to get benefit from online trading some points must be kept in mind.It should always follow if you are realy interested to earn money.

01)Start with small amount.Don't invest big amount at initial when you are new in market.

02)First study the market & then only invest huge amount.As there is profit,there may loss also.

03)Inspite of due care taken,if you feel there is mistek done of purchasing shares,Sell the shares with little loss to avoid big loss.

04)Up & Down is the nature of stock market & it is test of your patience.Don't rush to sell shares whenever market collaps.Wait for little time if you have
prominent shares & this is opportunity to buy blue chip shares.

05)Check 3 years Finicial history of company before buying or selling of shares,because some companies are on paper only.

Online Share Trading is definitely a good business to earn extra income from home.You can add more tips to above list.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Make Online Guides and E-Books

Self-published books, e-books, mini-guides, tutorials and other types of premium content generate a respectable source of income for those with relevant and useful content to share. Focused guides and reference publications in niche areas are a growing demand from qualified customers, especially when these products can be easily pre-evaluated in some form.

For bloggers, news sites and small independent publishers' ebooks and online guides should make a natural monetization channel. Much of the content written for a site is easy to re-edit and re-purpose for commercial use. Reviewing editors, topic-specific bloggers can use their writing talent to put together the best content they have on a specific topic.

Selling ebooks requires good online marketing skills, lots of exposure, visibility and honest testimonials from satisfied buyers. A little army of affiliate resellers can go a long way in helping your ebook get extra exposure and visibility. Plus partnering/bundling your product with those who are already the best in your class helps get more copies out the door.

Tips to Make More Money

Some of our PEERs asked how they can make more money. So, we sat down and came up with a list of a handful of things that you can do!

1. Verify your preferences on the PEER user interface. To pay you for online time and work processed, the characteristics (country, zip code, Internet connection type) you indicate on the PEER preferences window must match the actual characteristics of your PC.

* For instance, if you select "Uzbekistan" as your country in the PEER preference window, but you live in the United States, your PC may not receive work. Thus, you earn less processing time payments.
* If you have a laptop, or your PC's location and Internet connection type changes frequently, please be sure to update your PEER preferences.
* Please follow these steps to verify your PEER preferences: Select "Options" from the menu on the PEER user interface and choose "Preferences".

2. Use the Referral Tools to get people to sign up with you as the referrer! Every time someone signs up with your username in the "Referrer" field and we activate them, you get a buck! Tell-A-Friend directly, or use the banner ads on the Referral Tools page.

* If you have a Web site, post Gomez banners.

3. Dial-up users, stay online! The Gomez PEER only earns you cash when you are connected to the Internet. Therefore, every time you decide to turn on your PC, get online!

* Many dial-up Internet service providers will automatically disconnect your PC from the Web when it it is inactive for a period of time. We have searched the Web and found some possible solutions to this problem. Check out the FAQ for the links to these sites!

4. Check your screen saver and energy saver settings. The Gomez PEER continues to run while your screen saver is on. However, if your energy saver is activated and shuts down your hard drives, the PEER will be unable to communicate with Gomez servers. To check your settings, please follow these steps:

* Click on "Start" button.
* Choose "Settings", then "Control Panel."
* Double-click the "Display" icon.
* The power settings are under the "Screen Saver" tab. Make sure the PC is not scheduled to shut down after a certain time.

5. Add more PCs to your PEER account. If you have any other idle PCs that you can use, register them and install the PEER.

6. Keep running the Gomez PEER and stay online! You can even run the Gomez PEER in the middle of the night. We process work 24x7, so the longer you are online, the more work you can process. Make sure you are wary of local telephone charges. Some carriers offer unlimited calls/minutes, while some do not. Make sure you check with the phone company to be aware of its policies.

7. Set your performance manager to "Max." The performance manager in the preferences window on the PEER user interface controls how much work your PC performs. If you want to earn more money, set it to "Max".

Establish Your Blog Brandly

The most important thing about having a blog is to establish your brand and let your readers get to know you. This applies mostly to blogs that are related to your business. As the author of the blog, you can tell your readers about yourself in the About page. Your readers will also come to know you through your style of writing and what you write about. If you have something meaningful to say, people will listen.

If you don’t already have a blog, it’s time to take the plunge and get started. Remember Nike’s popular slogan? Just do it. You can learn along the way as you build up your first blog. There is a lot of freely available information about all aspects of maintaining and marketing a blog.

In the beginning, you can take a look at some of the popular blogs in your niche and take note of what you like about them. Basically you are trying to capture the best elements of those blogs and try to incorporate them in yours.

Even if you are not a Pulitzer prize winning author, you can still get better at writing as you practice. Try to blog as regularly as possible. If you stop for long periods between your posts, you may start to lose your readership. You can even write your posts beforehand if you know that you are going to be away on vacation. Then you can set up automatic scheduling to post to the blog.

As your blog readership grows, you will hopefully get more people interacting with you through the comments. Definitely install Akismet to catch most of the comment spam. Try to answer all of the valid comments quickly and you will make your readers feel that you care. Another option to think about is building a forum as part of your blog. Again, due to the problem of spam, forums require moderation and if you don’t have time to do this, you’ll have to find some volunteers or pay for help.

Another way to build a community quickly is by holding a blog contest. You can offer attractive prizes (like lots of cash!) or ask other bloggers to donate prizes in exchange for something you have to offer. You could offer to review their blog in your blog and give them a backlink. You could offer them your own product in exchange. Those are just two quick ideas.

Folks like Darren Rowse (Problogger) and Shoemoney have built their brands largely due to the popularity of their blogs. You have to find your own unique angle to it. For Problogger, it was teaching people about blogging and making money from it. For Shoemoney, a lot of initial interest was generated by showing a huge affiliate check and talking about tremendous success with ringtones.

Don’t delay, start thinking about how you can establish yourself in a crowded marketplace. The sooner you start, the better.

20 Tips Making Money Online

Making money online and offline usually requires some strategic thinking and planning ahead. Investing is a field that provides several useful insights one can apply to the business of earning money from online websites and properties.

In finance terms, investment involves the purchasing of securities or assets in money markets with the hope of getting monetary returns through future cash flow.

When used in business management parlance, investment generally refers to the purchase of assets (technology, machinery, patents etc.) to develop positive income.

The basic principles here apply to each blogger, webmaster or online entrepreneur; To be successful, you need to invest and reinvest time and money on positive online assets and monitor costs/profits, while planning ahead.

Take a quick look at all your websites or online businesses to see if each of them are profitable. Are they bringing in more money than they cost in terms of time and expenses? What is their projected income?

If you’re primarily trying to earn a living online, there is no point in owning websites which do not make money. Consider cutting your losses and recovering your invested expenditures by selling or giving these sites to others.


That’s when Charles Dickens started working. Not just light work, mind you, like sweeping the floors at his uncle’s bar; he toiled at a shoe polish factory, spending 10 hours a day pasting labels on jars. His father was vain, holding extravagant parties and purchasing all sorts of finery, in every way possible living beyond his means. Eventually, he was thrown into debtor’s prison.

His mother was just cruel. Despite receiving some money from her husband’s family, she sent her children to work. Dickens never forgave her for it.

But did he whine? No, he transformed that experience into some of the greatest novels to ever grace the English language.

A Christmas Carol, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, and David Copperfield all address aspects of wealth, especially the relationship between the rich and the poor. You could say it’s the defining theme of Dickens’s work. And it made him rich.

Unlike so many other authors, Charles Dickens became a legend during his own lifetime. His books sold in droves, both in Britain and the US. They were turned into plays, and he traveled around the world doing readings and lectures.

He also left behind some of my favorite personal finance quotes. I’ve put together a small collection of them here, along with a brief commentary on each.

Create a high demand Newsmagazine

If you can provide in demand and industry leading information on a monthly, bi-monthly or weekly basis, you can sell subscriptions to a newsletter. Delivered via e-mail it costs nothing but time to produce. In the same way as information products you can focus your newsletter on just about any topic and find interested subscribers. Although its always best to concentrate on some area you have an interest yourself. So, say you sell your subscription for a measly $5 a month (just to make it easy here to do the math) and you have 500 subscribers that represents $2500 per month for a days work. Add to that the possibility of selling advertising space in your newsletter and promoting your affiliate programs and you have a very viable business. You will need a website to attract subscribers and the facility to take credit card subscriptions online. You should also offer automated delivery of the first newsletter when a subscriber has paid.

Conclusion These are exciting times to be working with the Internet, with this technology any individual or business has the potential to be an Internet pioneer. Any serious businessman cannot afford to ignore the possibilities. Now is the time for you to develop your online strategy. Before your competitor does.

Look at these statistics from a recent Forrester Research report: Online spending grew from 5.5 billion in 1998 to 32 billion in 2000! That's a staggering 580% increase! They also report that people newer to e-shopping are making nine purchases per year, while those who've been online for 5+ years are making 20 purchases a year. Aug 1 2003: The U.K.s 24/7 promotion last month boosted online sales in the U.K by 208% over the previous year. July 28 2003: Online retail sales in the U.S, grew 39% to $956 million for the week ending July 20 from $688 million in the corresponding week a year ago, comScore Networks Inc. reports. June 23 2003: Uk population online as reported by Computer Industry Almanac is 34.3 million from a population of 59.8 million. Mar 18 2003: Online travel sales in Western Europe increased 53 percent during 2002, according to the Center for Regional and Tourism Research. Mar 20 2003: Datamonitor predicts that over 41 million European households will be accessing the Internet via high-speed broadband connections by 2006. Beyond this, IDC (the leading global provider of technology forecasts and insights) reports that the number of Internet users around the world is expected to reach 943 million by 2005. The world population online according to two reports for 2002 - 580 million (Nielsen//NetRatings), 655 million (ITU). The Web is only going to increase in size and the number of people online worldwide will increase along with it. It isn't going away, for the wise business man the time is now.

Commission Junction Work Online

Commission Junction is a global leader in online pay-for-performance marketing that assists and tracks the serving of billions of monthly impressions for its clients, ranking it among the largest ad networks in the world.

After advertisers join the Commission Junction network, they place advertisements and offers in the network, that are converted by Commission Junction to links. These links are made available to publishers in our network. Publishers apply to join an advertiser's program, and upon acceptance, select and place the advertiser's links on their Web site or in their email newsletter.

These offers and links are served and tracked by Commission Junction through several of our ad serving domains. When an email recipient or a visitor to a publisher's Web site makes an actual purchase online or fills out a form, that transaction is tracked and recorded by Commission Junction. Commission Junction handles all of the collection and processing required to ensure fair and timely commission payments for publishers, and all of the administration and verification necessary to ensure qualified sales and leads for the advertiser.

On rare occasions, a publisher may violate the Commission Junction service agreement by sending unsolicited email with our links. If you have received an unsolicited commercial email (sometimes referred to as "spam") from a list you have opted out of, and that email contains one of our links, please continue to read the following information.

Monday, August 11, 2008

10 Top Tips for Online Earning

Do you have any hobbies you really love? Many of us do, of course, but what if I told you that you could turn that hobby into a money-making opportunity? People do it every single day, and so can you! Here are 10 tips to help you do just that!

1. Do you enjoy writing? Perhaps you keep a journal or write in your spare time. Why not become a freelance writer? There are many different opportunities available to freelance writers. Since network marketing and affiliate marketing have taken off, freelance writers are needed now more than ever. Hey, why not spend time writing and get paid for doing something you love?

2. Aha! A bargain hunter! So, you love waking up Saturday mornings and checking out the latest deals at yard sales, flea markets, and craft fairs! What if you could make a serious profit on some of those things you pick up? Sure. People do it all the time on eBay and Amazon! Just think of getting $45 out of that children's outfit you spend $5 on!

3. Like MySpace? Many MySpacers spend countless hours filling out fun surveys to post for their friends and family to read. Why not get paid to do surveys? There are big-name companies who will actually pay to get your opinion of their products! Simply register for a site and you will get e-mails when they have another survey for you! Sounds pretty easy, right?

4. Photography is your thing? Oh, so you're the one at every family get-together snapping those pictures and blinding people? Hey, why not get paid to do that? There are many businessmen and women who work online and would be willing to pay you for original, good-quality pictures.

5. You love graphic design? You know, online business is huge right now. People are in serious need of logos, banners, and ads for their online businesses. You can do exactly what you love and make a pretty penny for it!

6. Can you make a website? Then you can earn money online. There are some extremely smart businessmen and women who do not know how to build their own websites, and guess what - they pay a nice chunk of money to have someone do it for them. You could get your share of this profitable industry.

Home Based Opportunity

In short, I personally hold on the Internet faces many effective business opportunities at home. Some of these exemptions, and some of the options that are no longer the way in a couple of months after the launch properties. Such "Fly by night" Elections come and go on the Internet! These programmes to create a negative image of this, many are forced to work online. But the discovery of diamonds in the rough "can be ordered process of trial and error.

Then I discovered "The richness of the Internet site" (WOW) and a strong selection which can offer. The creator of WOW used between the years to experiment with Internet business. His research has led to the search for top 6 finances taken over the Internet. The inevitable return of each election is not limited!

The richness of the Internet has made the search for you save a lot of time and money!

Programs that are part of the strategy WOW achieve reputation on the Internet for the legitimacy and integrity:

Strong future international - Best establishment member with a track record in 20 years.

Global Domains International - INC500 50 largest companies during the time the last few years is increasing, and approved by Samoa as a resller. WAS domain name. Cogne - public company ... I feel really talking! Internet Marketing Center - Corey udlandet Internet marketing business opportunities that are currently Corporation in a multi-one million annual turnover of over $ 7 million.

Clickbank - was long the current partner organizations came together marketers and publishers, for many years.

Empowerism - better business Buraeu member, and it turns out to be exceptional and innovative ways to create wealth on the Internet. Powerful opportunities on the benefits!

WOW has combined these types of six options in the exclusive utility also so easy to use for deep "novice" who know-the Internet traders. He persists in order to attract a number of companies who are looking for properties! And workers have the advantage of this approach and build huge profits visual!

"Wow" that the program will receive what is affectionally known as members, has so far helped more than one hundred dollars for people who may be Internet companies to leave the country, which means that the maximum support and guidance .... made by an experienced and successful Internet marketing, Kevin Hass, whose commitment to the success of workers is unsurpassed anywhere on the Internet.

In carrying out these circumstances, in return, that you do not give sufficient guidance in favour understand why I recommend WOW, so maybe it will. You can send its own site on the Internet wealth FREE! You only have to pay a small fee to organise a free web-hosting for your site.

I am firmly that the relative wealth of the site process really is the future of the Internet merchant.

Writing a good business plan

Your business plan needs to be very clear and explain your aims and how you are going to make your business successful. It should show that your idea is a good one and that it has the potential to work in practice. Your business plan should include:


This is a brief description of what you want to do, of how you plan to do it and who you will be targeting. You should also include your final aim - what does being successful mean in your business? Is it having lots of clients, expanding your market throughout India or providing the best service available?


This is a much more detailed description of what your business does/will be doing, of how the company functions. Who does what in the company? What activities do you carry out and who is responsible for each activity?


This is a list or description of what you will be providing your clients or market with. Depending on how your company is organised, you may want to specify who will be providing which service here of in the 'description of your business'. In one of the two sections, or in a separate section you will need to give brief details of who will be working in your business.


If your organisation is complex you can include a separate section to describe the people who are/will be working there and their skills and qualifications.


Here you should give an analysis of your target market, that is the people or companies and organisations you are planning on providing your services to. Who are you targeting, and why will they be interested in your services? Who else is providing similar services in the place where you want to set up your business? Why is your service different to others? Why is your business needed?


This is an explanation of how you are going to present and sell your services. How are you going to make people aware of your business and make them want to buy your services or products? You need to give a list of practical solutions like advertising on specific websites or in specific newspapers, contacting other organisations and/ or companies that you think will be interested, producing a leaflet or organising promotional events.


This is a spreadsheet (Excel for example) which gives the details of all the things you are going to need to set up your company (computers, a printer, chairs, rent security for the first month, air conditioning, shelves…). List the item, the quantity, the cost per item, the total cost, the amount the item is going to lose in value each year as a percentage (depreciation) and the actual amount in money that it will depreciate. At the end of your list of set up costs have totals for the total cost and the total depreciation. For example:


You will need to have several sections. Your outgoing costs per month should include your overheads (telephone, rent, stationary...) and your employees (list with their salaries). Your incoming per month should be detailed (different prices of each product/ service and how many of each you plan to sell/ provide each month), this should also show how your income will increase over time. When you have both sections you can then calculate when your income is going to cover your costs.

Adsense Opportunity

The Internet is one-stop-shop offers a series of countless jobs or business opportunities to earn money through the Internet to travel and return too fantastic. They probably could make more money through the Internet job postings, from the comfort of your own home, using computers and the Internet. This is very good, that was true!

This is not illusion, and its existence has many advantages. There is no fixed working hours, and you are your own boss. Internet work at home will help create a stable income on the Internet, and is what most of us would like to achieve. Companies providing Internet-work job seekers, known and legal.

If the fear and skepticism its ability to complete the work, then we must seek and find work or start businesses on the Internet, which conforms to your account. These projects are simple and easy to understand for the average people with general knowledge. Commercial make money from the Internet can do in your free time, and it is very good way to earn passive income, with a face, everything is to get that extra money.

Marketing is the leading multi-bread salary of many people and is one of the best ways to make money from the Internet. The secretariat, a virtual assistant and creative letter and the transfer of some popular today, more than effort, work is necessary that the smart money on the internet. Internet has opened the genius, and it is possible that millions of dollars on the Internet. Companies are shifting from traditional marketing techniques on the Internet. Internet marketing, email marketing, AdSense, SEO, affiliate marketing noise words are today. You can get all this and still make money from the Internet was in the comfort of your home and sitting under a bit of effort.

While sleeping sales through the Internet, the money for your business. They ask how does it work? Well, here it is. You can become a member of a partnership that already exists. So far, nothing, and everything will be sold via the Internet. Whether on vacation or cruise to some exotic island or cosmetics or keep domestic objects, kitchen tiles, books, paintings all sold on the Internet gives you the opportunity to make money from the Internet. Would you like to pay these additional accounts, or would like to take a long vacation with his partner. Regardless of the reasons that the Internet opens more doors to increase the chances of earning money on the Internet.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting Government Grants

It's time you got your share! Every year the United States Federal Government guarantees small business owners billions of dollars to help them get started. The problem is most people don't know how to access this money...until now!

We can help you find out if you qualify for a grant right now! We will show you where to find them and what you need to do to get a FREE grant. That's right FREE ...meaning you don't pay a cent back!

All of the answers you need can be found on our special CD. To get it, simply go to ( put website here) and join our website. Once you do that, we will send you the CD AND give you a 14 day trial membership to the Express Business Funding Members site, including access to Live Chat so you can talk to people who know how to access grants.

Even if you cancel your membership, the CD is your to keep with no obligation. Our CD has helped thousands of people just like you start and expand their business ...and it can help you too!

1001 Ideas Work From Home

If are you creative with some desktop publishing software and have insider information on the homes for sale in your area, you should consider starting a monthly homesellers magazine. For about 15 cents each, you can print the magazines on a web press and if you are able to distribute 3,000 or so a month you will easily find eager realtors looking to advertise in your magazine.

While your total cost would be $500 per month, realtors would pay $10 per ad to have their listings included in the magazine. With 20 realtors supplying you with 30 houses each, your gross revenue would be about $6,000 a month. If there currently is not a realty magazine in your area, you should definitely consider looking into this. Even if there are some realty magazines, see if you can offer something different to set you apart.

Work Online

If you surf the Internet, you are probably familiar with ads by Google. Google itself estimates that its advertising network reaches 80 percent of internet users. The key to these ads (and other context relevant internet advertising) is that the ads displayed on a website are intended to be relevant to the content the user is viewing.

This relevance hopefully means that more people who see the ads will click on them. Advertisers only pay when a user clicks on an ad (thus, this form of advertising is often called pay-per-click advertising). There are two halves to this advertising equation - the website owners and the advertisers.

Website owners display these ads and earn fees each time their visitors click on an ad. You can earn up to a few dollars per click! Publishing these types of ads represents one way to work online and make money.

Another way to work online is through affiliate advertising. Many companies pay a percentage of revenue to web publishers who send visitors that buy products to their sites. You can earn a significant revenue this way!

In some cases, it is not even necessary for an individual to own his or her own website to make money from affiliate advertising. If you would like more information on using pay-per-click advertising to make money online, please look at our listings of some of the best guides to this type of work.

Make Fast Money At Home

Do you want to make quick cash? When you become a freelancer you can make fast money working from home. It doesn't matter what your skills are, there's always a job opportunity for an eager person that has a computer and an internet connection. Most freelance positions can be performed by anyone with little or no skill at all. If you can type, you can become a home typist. If you're bilingual, you can offer your translation services. Maybe you're a skilled graphic designer. If so, you could make fast money working from home creating corporate logos. As you can see there's always a chance to make fast money working from home on the internet.

What are the most common jobs that people look for to make fast money working from home? In order to make fast money, you'll need to find a job which can be completed quickly. Some of the quickest jobs are graphic design jobs, freelance writing jobs, editing jobs, translation jobs, typing jobs, transcription, dictation and data entry. Once you complete an assignment, you will be paid for your work.

Once you get used to making fast money from home, you'll become addicted. It's so easy that you'll never want to return to a regular 9-5 job again. You'd be crazy if you did! Especially when you'll have the opportunity to earn the same amount of money, if not more, from the comfort of your home.

When you work at home, you'll have the ability to schedule your days according to your own personal schedule. Work several hours and make fast money on a daily basis. Work as little or as much as you want to. It doesn't matter whether you work part time or full time - there's still job opportunities available to every freelancer, regardless of how much or how little they work. As long as the freelancer and company that's offering work agree on a price and project deadline, everything else is open to negotiation.